Sunday, September 14, 2008

i've been bad, i know :-(

the blog-through-picasa function is terrible--you can only post 5 pictures at a time and getting the text to line up with the pictures is really awkward.  google can do better!

this picture doesn't do the stars justice...

we sat on the car and watched the sun rise across a field

i love this art in my new office

watching the crowd move through the park towards the flugtag was a bit eerie
my view at the flugtag
it was wall-to-wall people :-(

boy (on horse)

the red covered bridge. similar to red barn bump, of chester county, pa

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the building across sheridan looks shiny and new. it's actually rather dull.
there's just something i love about the materials at play
princeton, il.
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a helicopter had to deliver an hvac along michigan avenue one sunday morning. the streets were closed for about 30 minutes. there was a crowd of guests watching

shadows in my room one night
(this way of blogging the pictures is astoundingly inefficient for google, i can't imagine there isn't a better way to do this as a batch)

the trump tower at about quarter to 7 one morning, from the columbus ave. bridge looking west.

almost enough to make you happy to be up that early
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i don't think this blog-straight-from-picasa thing is working

Sunday, July 27, 2008

news of the weird

don't know why i found it so entertaining, but here's the video :)

Sunday, July 13, 2008

one split moment of beauty at work

(besides that guy in 2406...)